Home Q&A with NUIG rugby chick Elizabeth Mckeever (aka Pinky) !!–!! By gw June 8, 2015June 8, 2015 0 minutes, 38 seconds Read Name; Elizabeth Mckeever (aka Pinky) 1.hat is your personal aim this season?To reach the final of the college league and improve my match fitness.2.When did you start playing and what attracted you to the game?I started in my first year of college. I wanted to start something new and the rugby team seemed very welcoming of new inexperienced players.3. Favourite food?Chicken and wedges. (people are worried I’ll turn into a wedge some day)4.When did you last score a try?February vs. UCC5.Most embarrassing moment on a rugby field?In my first game back last year after breaking my foot, the scrum collapsed and I screamed bloody Mary… there was nothing wrong with me…………. for the rest of the Q&A click HERE
Home Images LIVE at Claremorris RFC Tag Tournament! Another big Turnout! By gw June 8, 2015June 8, 2015