Paris World Cup Ireland Flanker Clare Molloy Q&A on Training, Tech, Social, Prep and more for the WRWC Marcoussis, Paris

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Name: Clare Molloy
Age: 26
Club: Bristol Ladies
Position: Flanker

Q: How do you stay fit and healthy?
We have a strength / conditioning coach and a nutritionist we’ve had a programme from Sept. Marian Earls has been working with us!

Q: Who is the best player you have ever played with or against?
Lynn Cantwell a fantastic athlete, Jo O’Sullivan who retired from last world cup also!

Q: What has been the biggest support to your rugby career?
My family and friends, I’ve been in UNI 6 years, playing rugby and a part time job they have have been incredibly supportive they are coming to the entire world cup.

Q: If you hadn’t become an international rugby player. What would you have been?
I suppose I would have been in sport, any team sport. Football or basketball I’d always be active it s just the way I am.

Q: Combining two professions as both an Irish Rugby Player and a JNR doctor, how difficult is it for you to manage the two in your life?
I’m Working as a JNR doctor, its the time management! we have training before work and after work, its about organising leave months in advance, swapping shifts, alot of support from work, you kind of get used to it, you sacrafice a lot social and so on and you get used to it.

Q: When you travel with the team, who has been the best roommate and why?
Thats hard….. they are all good Siobhan Fleming, Fee Coughlan is never there, Heather O’brien is a good time keeper

Q: Who’s the worst?

Q: Is there an organisation that you have experience of that you work for?
Breast Cancer Awareness.

Q: Favourite food?

Q: Favourite band or musician?
Fleetwood Mac

Q: Who is your dream date?
Richie McCaw

Q: What is your nick name?

Q: One word to describe you?

Q: What role does tech now play in sport?
Analysis for 5 years, gps tracking in 7s world cup, heart rate monitors, recovery balance. We will have 5 games in 19 days at the World Cup inb France so lots of recovery analysis, dissecting teams /opponents, video clips, performance comment real time feedback, our role in setpeice scrums, the whole picture really!

Q: Fashion Icon?
Fits comfortable

Q: Hobbies outside rugby?
music, baker, draw paint, team manager

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