Look after players or they could strike – Christian Day (Players Union Boss)

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the rugby paper
Players’ union boss Christian Day has warned industrial action is possible if concerns over player welfare are not adequately addressed.

Saints second-row Day, newly appointed chairman of the Rugby Players’ Association (RPA), applauds the new protocols over concussion, but believes much work remains to be done on issues such as insurance, rest periods and game limits.

Day wants mandatory summer rest periods introduced, adding: “That’s at the forefront of most players’ minds and, ultimately, there’s a huge onus on Premiership Rugby (PRL) and the Rugby Football Union (RFU) to ensure player welfare because we’re the ones earning their money.”

– See more at: http://www.therugbypaper.co.uk/featured-post/19195/look-after-players-or-they-could-strike-christian-day/#sthash.AtLUZS7L.dpuf

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