IRFU Volkswagen Tag Sligo FINALS Night Well Done Everyone On Another Superb Season! YOU ARE AWESOME! Shots Albums HERE

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sligo tagThe last night of Sligo Tag, our first year covering it on the new website covering all Connacht Rugby Clubs and Schools as a news source to promote, support and reflect the enormous achievements of everyone in Connacht Rugby to develop rugby from the top Male and Female sides to every single club, school and supporter who play expansive, confident and superb rugby. The amount of Tag rugby taking place in the province of Connacht is BIG! The Sligo Taggers at the official IRFU venue have played top flight taghroughout this season and have been the most lovely people ever.

The finals night was high octane adrenaline packed action. The sporting atmosphere and healthy competition managed by the referees and not surprisingly the players themselves made the competition even better. The buzz on Friday night was electric and we got shots from all the rounds, 1000s of them!

For shots albums organised into rounds. WOW! CLICK HERE

[youtube f9F6gEk7Lo0]

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