Feature. Diet & Nutrition. Changing your look and your bio-chemical standing to a energy rich state and improving immunity and age resistance using natural plants, herbs and poultriy’s. Feature. Part 2.

55 minutes, 34 seconds Read

We begin with observations by Shona Wilkinson

Working with www.naturesbest.co.uk, a fabulous fabulous producer.

“Today we have so much knowledge about just how to be healthy that this has become a very very profitable and growing industry. From diet drinks to smoothies, just what are the best food types to use? like vegetables and juices, poultry and natural foods, and also items from around the world that people might not have realised are available, and so much more, also products which are best to consume when fitness training!”

The more exercise or training you do, the more important it is to base your meals on nutrient-dense foods. This generally means whole foods, which are as close as possible to their natural state. They include whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit, good-quality unprocessed meat and fish, eggs, beans and pulses, and nuts and seeds. As well as providing calories, these foods are naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre and healthy fats. Here are some of the reasons why:
• Your body needs vitamins and minerals to manufacture energy in your cells, including B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, and iodine.
• Your muscles need calcium, magnesium and potassium to function properly and to receive messages from your brain.
• Your cells and tissues need antioxidants such as vitamin E for protection against damage and for repair.
• Your digestive system needs fibre so that your body can get rid of waste products and absorb all the nutrients you need from your foods.
• Healthy fats are essential for your heart, as well as helping to control inflammation and pain and support healthy joints.
• Whole foods also give you a steady release of energy and help you to manage your weight. Most whole foods can be said to have a low glycaemic load or GL, which is a measurement of the impact of that food on your blood sugar levels.

Protein is needed for growth and maintenance of muscle mass. This also means strength and tone of your muscles, as well as muscle repair and recovery after exercise – so protein is not just for bodybuilders!
Good protein sources include chicken breast, beef steak, salmon filets, eggs, natural yoghurt, cheese, lentils, almonds and brown rice.
To help you calculate how much protein you are getting, a smartphone app such
as Protein Tracker may help.

Healthy snacks for supporting your energy should be based on protein and complex carbohydrates. Examples include:
• Oatcakes, rye crispbreads or a slice of wholemeal toast topped with cottage cheese, hummus, guacamole, or nut butter.
• A ‘trail mix’ of nuts and dried fruit – stick with a tablespoon-sized serving if your calorie needs are not increased.
• A pot of natural yoghurt with some nuts and a handful of fresh berries.
• A protein shake. If your calorie needs are increased, you can add high-calorie foods to make a smoothie such as banana, oats, nuts, full-fat yoghurt, nut butters and even healthy fats such as coconut oil or flaxseed oil.
• 2 to 4 squares of high-cocoa dark chocolate with some nuts.
Fluids and hydration
Drink 2 litres of water a day, or if you’re burning more than 2000 calories a day, 1 ml of water for every calorie you’re burning. (E.g. 3000 calories a day = 3 litres of fluid over the day.)
During the exercise itself, a general guideline is 500ml of fluid per hour for moderate-high intensity exercise.
The following supplements may be helpful to support your training and recovery, in addition to protein shakes and/or electrolytes or energy drinks.
• A multivitamin and mineral supplement – to support energy production, for your immune system, and for your muscles and nerves.
• Magnesium – for energy, for your muscles, and to support recovery.
• Creatine can increase physical performance in successive bursts of short-term, high intensity exercise such as weight training, sprinting or interval training.
• Fish oil to support a healthy heart.
• Vitamins D and C for extra immune system support.


Are you are a lover of all things Olive Oil like us? If yes, then we urge you to come and try the new harvest of Villa Montalbano Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tuscany that has just arrived in-store.

Harvested by hand and pressed very recently in mid December, this fresh single estate olive oil is truly delicious to taste. Make your salads explode with flavour, transform a boring pasta dish into something of a masterpiece. This first class extra virgin olive oil is at its best and simply needs a good home. And even better we are offering 15% off any refills until the end of Feb. Just wash your bottle out carefully and bring it in store to claim your 15% off. We have shops in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Oxford and York so well worth a visit.


Black Hawk® Challenges Pet Owners to Set a New Year’s Resolution for their Dogs as the Growing Canine Obesity Problem Puts Over Two Million Dogs at Risk

Excess weight is a major risk factor in the majority of Australian households with official research showing almost two in three adults were classed as overweight or obese 1. It’s not just the humans who are at risk of weight-related illnesses though. Over 40% of the nation’s dog population is also overweight or obese, putting two million dogs in the danger zone. These dogs’ lives could be cut short by up to two years.

Overfeeding, lack of exercise and a poor diet can all contribute to the shocking scale of overweight dogs in Australia.

To help get Aussie dogs back in-shape and off to the right start in 2018, Black Hawk is supporting passionate dog owners to make a New Year’s Resolution for their dogs ahead of the annual January slim-down. It’s launched a simple, effective new tool as part of its Real Food Movement™ for pets, designed to help owners see how healthy their pet really is.

While dogs can’t complain as their owners kill them with kindness, obesity is as much of a canine epidemic as it is a human one. With the possibility of shortening life expectancy, overweight dogs are also prone to other problematic, painful health conditions, including arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Black Hawk DogCheck™ helps owners identify if their dog’s health is at risk due to obesity and helps them take the steps needed to improve their pets wellbeing. The tool helps pet parents to see dogs in a whole new light. It uses a dog’s age, weight and breed and then compares it to the healthy average weight before transforming the data into a human form. For the first time, pet owners will be able to see their dogs as they see themselves.

“Every day more of us make an effort to take care of ourselves by eating natural ingredients, using portion control and exercising. But, we exclude our pets from this process, meaning the scale of canine obesity in Australia is at a truly shocking level,” comments Dr Sean Duggan, CHIEF EXECUTIVE & Veterinarian with Black Hawk. “Black Hawk’s Real Food Movement™ for pets is about looking after our dogs as well as we look after ourselves and what better time to make that promise than at New Year. It’s about helping our dogs live healthier, happier, longer lives by feeding them the right amount of good quality, natural food and making sure they get some form of exercise or activity every day.”

Black Hawk DogCheck™ is accessible via smartphone and desktop. It offers a useful frame of reference to pet owners unsure if their dog is a healthy size.


Suggestic is a Precision Eating service that uses artificial intelligence and augmented reality to help people make optimal food choices for weight loss, disease prevention and health management by combining personal preferences with behavioral cues and the latest nutrition science.

We have also engaged major players in the healthy eating arena. These renowned doctors and health advocates have contributed diets, meal plans, and easy-to-understand medical whys and hows. There are more than 30 specialized eating plans to choose from, including Dr. Mark Hyman, a New York Times best-selling author and creator of The 10-Day Detox Diet, the Institute for Functional Medicine and Dr. Kellyann Petrucci.

Suggestic has two main components. First, users share information with the app, such as their goals, their dietary restrictions, and their preferred diets. Suggestic then recommends the best health plans to try out, for example, the Ketogenic diet or the Mediterranean diet. The plan they select can be customized with further preferences like vegetarian, gluten-free, or vegan. Some of these plans are free, and others—like the ones curated by best-selling authors—are part of our recently debuted subscription plan, Suggestic Plus.

Once users are onboarded, the app helps them make food decisions. Suggestic has a chatbot that can offer suggestions, including over 1.5 million recipes that match the user’s personalized diet. Let the chatbot know what ingredients you have on hand and it will suggest the best recipes for those ingredients that work within the parameters of diet. It can also help users with long-term meal planning and shopping lists.

Even more exciting, Suggestic helps users order wisely from the menu at restaurants. When you enter an eatery, Suggestic will let you know if it has the menu on file. The app pulls from a dynamic database of more than half a million menus from restaurants all over the world. It can recognize the menu items and let you know in real time which ones work best with your diet by using its new augmented reality tool. Simply point your camera at a menu to see what’s recommended. The app “reads ”the menu and lets you know which dishes fall within the nutritional parameters of your diet. No more guesswork. Better yet, no more negotiating with the wait staff about how to prepare a special dish. And no more broadcasting to the table that you are on a diet!

Quick demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8g-Dk_EBjY

*Website: https://www.suggestic.com

*AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/suggestic-precision-eating/id1122309887?mt=8

*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suggestic

*Twitter: https://twitter.com/suggestic

*Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Suggestic

PR1MEBODY Your Personal Trainer App

A new online coaching programme promises to kickstart your New Year resolutions and help you feel and look great within a few weeks.

Personal trainer, physiotherapist and nutritionist Tim Blakey has created PR1MEBODY, a collection of training and nutritional strategies that aims to improve general health. The tailored nutritional and training plan does away with traditional habits such as calorie-counting and food weighing and offers a no-nonsense “instruction manual” that tells you which foods you need to consume and how to exercise in order to achieve your health goals.

The 12-week transformation plan is divided in two 6-week phases, each uniquely different and progressive in both diet and training. There are suggestions for healthy and tasty meals you can choose from, which offer a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat that will help gradually stabilise your appetite. The nutrition guide is accompanied by a comprehensive training plan delivered via the fully integrated PR1MEBODY App, which acts as a personal partner; complete with exercise videos and specific instructions to coach you through each session. You can log your workouts, progress, weight and pictures to watch your PR1ME journey unfold.

Tim Blakey says

“PR1MEBODY is a holistic approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle. The programme breaks down dietary and exercise barriers and gives you the responsibility to take better care of your body. The great thing about it is that coaching is done online, support is constant throughout and the plan is bespoke – it takes into account your likes and distastes, physical condition and the goals you want to accomplish. It is the ideal present to yourself or a loved one for the year ahead!”

PR1MEBODY is now accessible to everyone with its own Training app portal. For more information, visit http://wwwpr1mebody.com


Complex Human Regeneration and Repair – Inspired By Nature

Ira S. Pastor


Bioquark Inc.


We currently live on a planet with many organisms which from a health and wellness perspective are much further advanced than human beings.

Many lower organisms can replace lost or damaged organs and tissues that are identical in both structure and function to the original, effortlessly regenerating a wide variety of tissues, including spinal cords, limbs, hearts, eyes, and even large segments of their brains.

The ability to tap into and mimic these capabilities with novel bio-products, in human beings, will offer potential solutions to a wide range of disorders responsible for human degeneration, suffering, and death.

The Market Opportunity

We have surpassed US$7 trillion in total annual healthcare expenditures around the globe, close to a US$1 trillion of which is spent on pharmaceutical products. An additional US$200 billion is spent globally on new life science research and development every year.

Despite these incredible financial dynamics, we are witnessing a rise in the prevalence of almost all chronic degenerative diseases responsible for human suffering and death, as well as an on-going growth and aging of the population.

The majority of the aforementioned money is focused on the treatment of patients that have diseases with either an underlying cellular degeneration (i.e. Alzheimer’s, Congestive Heart Failure, Parkinson’s, Diabetes) or cellular damage (i.e. Auto-Immune Diseases, Cancer, Chronic Inflammation and Pain, Fibrotic Disorders) component to them.

Opportunities to Learn from Nature

Throughout the 20th century, natural products (primarily those from plants, fungi, and bacteria) formed the basis for a majority of all pharmaceuticals, biologics, and consumer healthcare products used by patients around the globe, generating trillions of dollars of wealth.

However, many scientists believe we have only touched the surface of what the natural world, and its range of organisms, which from a health and wellness perspective are much further advanced than human beings, has to teach us.

Lately, novel research disciplines, including “interkingdom signaling” and “semiochemical communication”, the respective abilities of one species living signals to affect the genome of another, not to mention in-depth study of the microbiome and virome, are highlighting entirely new ways that living, non-human bio-products can affect the human genome for positive transitions in health and wellness.

The Future?

We believe that nothing is off the table.

Whether we are talking about the 100,000 people who die daily from age related ailments, or the 50,000 that die from acute traumas, it is well within the intellectual capacity of humans to solve these problems of disease, degeneration, and death.

There is a reason that microbes, and plants, and invertebrates, and amphibians, have survived for many hundreds of millions of years on this planet, and developed their own unique answers to many of the problems that plague humanity.

Nature has shown us the way; we must now follow her lead.

​Looking to increase your energy? Want to stop relying on caffeine to get you through the day?

Intravenous NAD+ therapy is an emerging vitamin therapy that is all-natural, holistic, and has shown outstanding results. IV NAD+ therapy may be the light at the end of the tunnel for many people suffering from addiction, age-related diseases, and chronic fatigue, but has been used by many professional athletes to help boost their performance.

As if the benefits from IV NAD+ therapy couldn’t get any better, did you know that it may help reduce your pain and promote healing? A 2014 study published results of IV NAD+ therapy and neuropathic pain. They found that administering NAD+ intravenously helped reduce pain up to two days after the last injection. Even though this study was done on mice, it’s impressive nonetheless.

Mice aren’t the only ones reaping the benefit of NAD+ therapy. “I just didn’t have the excruciating pain that I had before,” a patient from the NAD Treatment Center reports, “I felt eight years of pain melting away.”

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme naturally produced by the body. Unfortunately, as we age and we expose our body to stress and toxins, NAD+ levels decline rapidly. Without abundant levels of NAD+, our body is unable to repair DNA, maintain proper energy levels, and maintain the integrity of cells.

To find out more about NAD+ therapy, visit www.nadtreatmentcenter.com, or call 1-844-623-7587 for more information.

Healthspan launches the ultimate health and fitness platform, personalised to you

Tired of logging into different apps, using a number of devices that don’t always sync and reading article after article of how much protein you should be eating? Well fret no longer, Healthspan, the UK’s leading direct supplier of vitamins of supplements, has launched its all-in-one wellbeing app and devices to answer all your needs.

A revolutionary collection of products, including smart devices and personalised supplments (multivitamin, protein and electrolyte) that will transform your health and fitness regime, as well as providing personalised advice based on your own unique information, to help you achieve your goals.

Smart devices

NutriCoach smart devices (Activity Tracker and Smart Scales) work seamlessly with the Healthspan app to provide a platform that supports a long and healthy lifespan. The Activity Tracker monitors your daily steps and through the app you’re able to track each activity you do throughout the day and week – whether it’s a bootcamp with circuits, a swim or hour long yoga session – it all counts! The Smart Scales measure weight, muscle mass, BMI and bone density and syncs with the app so everything is stored in one place.

The Healthspan App, food logging & personal recommendations

At Healthspan we know that just because you’re the same sex or age as someone doesn’t mean that you lead the same lifestyle and need the same nutritional support. Through the Healthspan app, you can scan or log your food and water intakeusing the advanced UK food database and retrieve important nutritional information so that you can see where you can make improvements to your diet.

Simply tell the app about yourself and based on your biometrics, lifestyle and dietary preferences it will recommend you personalised multivitamin and electrolyte supplements to support your dietary preferences, lifestyle and health goals. Purchases are made easy through the Healthspan app where you can order as and when recommendations are made or set-up a monthly subscription.

Personalised Protein

Making it even more personal, not only can you create a blend of protein – in your favourite flavor, that complements your health goal and dietary preferences – but in an industry first, you’ll be provided with a mechanism to personalise your daily serving of protein based on your unique biometrics.

Targets and scores

If you struggle sticking to your goals, Healthspan has you covered to help you stay on track. Set yourself a number of challenges from drinking 90% of your water target to running 100 miles in one day.

Dr Megan Arroll, Healthspan Psychologist, commented: “Behaviour can be very hard to change as it is influenced by so many factors – our early life experiences, our environment, relationships and the societies we live in. However, this doesn’t mean behaviours are fixed – we have the power to transform our lives and the right support can help immensely on this journey.

We often set goals without being clear about where we’re starting from. It’s imperative to find out where you are now – your baseline – so that you can devise small, achievable goals that are realistic and can be tracked. The NutriCoach system allows you to do this easily by seamlessly collecting the data you need to monitor your progress. Reaching bite-size goals is key to maintaining the motivation required for long-term health behaviour change.

What’s more, through a unique scoring system based on your biometrics, activity and goals, the app updates in real time to monitor your daily progress and marks you out of 100 to keep you motivated towards achieving your personal objectives.

Rob Hobson, Healthspan Head of Nutrition, commented: “Healthspan is dedicated to helping people on their personal health and fitness journeys. The launch of the NutriCoach ecosystem, which is underpinned by personalised coaching and support to aid behaviour change, provides a refreshing approach to health and wellness. Whether you want to bulk up, slim down or just improve your overall health and fitness Healthspan is focused on providing you with the tools to enable sustainable long term change.”


The perfect non-alcoholic beverage for the tee-total heroes this new year

Party season is in full swing – and that means one thing, who is going to need the post-season detox and take on Dry January in 2018? For those needing to stay tee-total this season, then Kopparberg’s Alcohol-Free range is the perfect drink of choice for the detox heroes this January.

Bursting with Kopparberg’s delicious fruit flavours, Mixed Fruit, Strawberry & Lime, and Pear the Alcohol-Free range delivers maximum taste and ultimate refreshment. Best served over mountains of ice, the Swedish charm of Kopparberg Alcohol Free gives ‘dry drinkers’ a non-alcohol alternative that doesn’t compromise on flavour.

Kopparberg Alcohol Free is available in three thirst quenching flavours – Strawberry & Lime, Pear and Mixed Fruit. All variants are available to purchase in 500ml bottles (RSP £1.29) across all participating major supermarkets, including Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury’s and Morrison’s.

NAD Treatment Center

NAD Treatment Center, in San Diego, Californiaspecializes in intravenous vitamin therapy. The founder, Tom Ingoglia, has been studying integrative medicine and hacks for optimal performance for over 20 years. Tom was able to recover from chronic fatigue syndrome through intravenous NAD+ therapy, the most effective therapy that supports cellular regeneration.

Academics and doctors across the world are investigating this new therapy because we naturally loose NAD+ as we age. It has been suggested that everyone over the age of 30 should be actively working towards replenishing their NAD+ to help prevent cognitive decline, maintain optimal energy levels and increase physical performance, help repair DNA and detoxify the body.

In fact, NAD+ is most famously known for its ability to detoxify individuals from chemical dependencies, and is a great hangover cure.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

 Kickstarting 2018 – Diet and Nutrition

By Dr. Keith Ayoob – diet & lifestyle, nutritionist, dietician

Recovery from activities requires not only electrolytes, but also some carbs and protein. I’m a HUGE fan of Greek yogurt for this. Why? It has some potassium, some sodium — natural to milk and yogurt — and it’s also a boatload of protein in a digestible form. Also, good probiotics. All in all, a huge bang for the calories. Disclosure: I’m on the nutrition advisory board for Chobani — but Greek yogurt of other brands is fine too — I’m more about the benefits of Greek yogurt than the specific brand. (OK, further disclosure — I’m also part Greek.)
Smoothies? Without some protein, it’s a missed opportunity. Indeed, without protein, it’s just pureed fruits and veggies. For that, eat the whole foods and let your digestive tract do its own juicing.
BTW – as for recovery, low-fat milk puts most sports drinks to shame, with protein, which most of them don’t have, as well as the right sodium/potassium ratio.
Plus, it’s way more economical, at about 25 cents a glass. It also has good research behind it’s value as a recovery drink.

Trending for 2018: cottage cheese may have its heyday. Not overseas perhaps, but in the states, athletes are finally discovering that this food is a protein powerhouse, not “girl food” that only belongs with a canned peach. Throw it into your smoothies, but also just treat it like Greek yogurt. You can eat it with fruit but also make it savory, like with Greek yogurt, and add herbs, chopped veggies, even mix it with oatmeal or spread onto toast. Makes your morning whole grains a high-protein dish.
Beans are in. Very in, and with good reason. They’re one of nature’s perfect foods: protein, healthy carbs that don’t raise blood glucose levels, tons of vitamins, iron and other minerals, and several different plant fibers. Their fiber content contributes PRE-biotics for a healthier gut. Just introduce them gradually but aim for a good 1/2 cup daily. The Bean Institute has tons of recipes — I’m liking their recommendation to add unsweetened cocoa powder to either beef or bean chili, here. Pic is attached.
Beef: yes is healthy. There are also over 20 cuts of beef that meet the criteria for “lean”. Indeed, thewww.beefitswhatsfordinner.com website even has American Heart Association-approved recipes. Fact is, it’s hard to beat the combo of protein, vitamins and minerals in beef. It’s also something people actually like. (I’m on the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Beef Expert Bureau — this is part of the government’s beef check-off program — it was created by Congress and industry participation is MANDATORY, so it kind of functions like a tax on the industry, if that explains it better.)
Beef – It’s What’s For Dinner
Your one-stop for all things beef. Explore our recipes, beef cuts, cooking tips, beef’s nutrition profile and discover how beef is raised from farm to fork.

Show your roots! If it grows in the ground, eat it: take it beyond carrots to beets, parsnips, turnips (white and yellow), and every color of potato. Yes white potatoes are loads of nutrition. They’re even a good source of vitamin C. They don’t have a huge amount of protein but what they have is actually excellent quality. Can’t go wrong with any of these root veggies (potatoes are a veggie too!) tossed with some EVOO and roasted. Nutritional benefits: huge amount of potassium. Right up there with bananas and oranges.






In February 2018, MasterChef 2016 losers Billy and Jack will be hosting a one-off supper club with a difference. Taking place at Plum + Spilt Milk, the Great Northern Hotel’s destination restaurant situated in Kings Cross, Billy and Jack will challenge themselves to cook for 24 hours straight at London’s first 24-hour supper club, in aid of Cancer Research UK to mark World Cancer Day on Sunday 4th February. Dishing up spectacular, tasty food from Saturday, 3rd to Sunday, 4th February, Billy and Jack aim to raise £12,000 for their chosen charity.

Cancer Research UK is close to the supper club kings’ hearts for a good reason. On 22nd June 2017, Billy was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer after visiting the doctor with a persistent cough. Doctors found numerous growths on and around his thyroid gland and he was diagnosed with this rare form of cancer shortly after. Thankfully, after a long operation in July and with ongoing treatment, Billy is well on the road to recovery and causing more trouble than ever.

Kicking off at 11am on Saturday, 3rd February, Billy and Jack will prep and cook for nine consecutive supper club sittings, seeing them cooking through the night spanning brunch, lunch, dinner and late-night feasting to finish at 11am on Sunday. Each sitting will last two hours and will include a 3-course meal, plus nibbles including bread and THAT marmite butter, plus a drink or two. To keep spirits high, and the menu ever-changing, Billy and Jack will be joined by friends and fellow foodies from:

Plum + Spilt Milk’s own award-winning team, headed by Mark Sargeant and Mike Denman
Chef, food consultant, food writer, and cookery teacher, Ben Tish
Chef, restaurateur and author, Dan Doherty
Winner of MasterChef 2016, Jane Devonshire
Chef and author, Emily Roux
Broadcaster, Marie Claire Food Editor and co-founder of the food & lifestyle brand Jackson & Levine, Laura Jackson
Chef, restaurateur, cookbook author and broadcaster, Clodagh McKenna
Chef and author, Sophie Michell
Chef and cancer survivor, John Lawson from Food by John Lawson
More names to be announced in due course.

Jeremy Robson, hotelier and owner of the Great Northern Hotel, comments: “We’re delighted to be able to host such a unique event in aid of a cause that touches so many. To have so many brilliant chefs in the Plum + Spilt Milk kitchen, alongside our own very talented Mark Sargeant and Mike Denman, is a very exciting prospect.”

Billy and Jack, comment: “We believe in bringing people together over great plates of food, in good times and especially in the bad. To mark World Cancer Day, Cancer Research UK is encouraging people to wear a Unity Band to help fund research into better treatments to bring more good news to more cancer patients. So, on this very special day, and for a cause extremely close to our hearts, we’ll be cooking some of our favourite dishes and bringing people together. Classics, guilty pleasures and everything in-between this will be big, celebratory food fit for this very special occasion.”

Working with Cancer Research UK, it’s Billy’s aim to raise awareness of this rare form of cancer, as well as to give hope to those who have been diagnosed with the disease.

Billy, comments: “It’s been a challenging year for me. My diagnosis happened to coincide with our first month full time in food as Billy and Jack, but with the support of family, friends and especially Jack, plus all the great doctors and nurses who’ve helped me along the way, it is a year coming to an end in a positive light. The Supper Club we’re planning is a way for us to raise awareness that survival rates from this disease are increasing; and to give back to a great charity that I have supported for many years, but now have even more reason to bring people together for such a good cause.”

Tickets for Billy and Jack’s 24-hour supper club are on sale now. At least 50% of proceeds will go to Cancer Research UK to help fund more research, more treatments and more cures. For details and tickets, visit: https://billy-and-jacks-24-hour-supper-club.designmynight.com/

The Story of Puy Lentils

Puy lentils are cultivated in the volcanic soils of Le Puy-en-Velay, France. Sometimes called ‘the pearls of France’, these tiny green and peppery pulses are loved for their superior texture and refined taste.

Top chefs have collaborated with Merchant Gourmet to produce a huge range of recipes using Puy lentils. Whether you fancy a veggie burger, a salad, a stew or croquettes, Puy lentils will rise to the challenge and result in a protein- and nutrient-packed meal!

Grown in the region for over 2000 years, Puy lentils were traditionally used by French housewives in meat dishes. It is also thought that in the middle ages, lentils were a staple for English farmers. Today, they are included in many gourmet dishes of grand chefs, as well as in ordinary homes.

Their nutritional value, as well as their delicious taste, accounts for this. Puy lentils are full of vegetable protein and fibre, as well as vital vitamins. This makes them perfect for anyone striving to lead a healthy life. Pulses, including lentils, have even been linked to decreased levels of cardiovascular disease in the Mediterranean.



· Feeling the aftermath of Christmas gluttony? Lidl is selling a healthier kind of cheese so there’s no need to give it all up after an indulgent Christmas

· EatLean Protein Cheese is a viable alternative to calorific cheese; it has 65% less fat and 40% fewer calories than standard spreadable cheese

· Lidl is first UK retailer to sell EatLean SPREADABLE Protein Cheese

4th January, London UK – To help get 2018 off to a more disciplined start, Lidl UK is selling low-fat and high-protein EatLean Spreadable Protein Cheese for only £1.59. With 65% less fat and 40% fewer calories[1] than standard spreadable cheese, cheese lovers won’t need to give up their favourite treat as part of a New Year health kick.

Lidl is the first and only UK supermarket to sell the spreadable version of this high protein cheese, providing customers with the perfect post-gym snack thanks to its smooth and creamy texture that fitness bunnies won’t have to try and resist.

The spreadable cheese will be sold alongside EatLean Protein Cheese block – already a firm favourite with fitness fans across the country thanks to its 3% fat content and protein content that’s 45% higher per 100g than standard cheddar.[2] Fans will now be able to get their hands on the cheese at Lidl from the 4th January for only £2.49, which is over 50p cheaper than at other retailers[3].

Handmade using 100% British cow’s milk, the cheese is made by expert cheesemakers on a Cheshire dairy farm. It slices, grates and melts just like regular cheddar so is perfect in an omelette, melted in a wrap or just on a quick oatcake or cracker.

The natural cheeses, which form part of Lidl’s Wellness Week (in stores from 4th January), aren’t the only great deals customers can get their hands on to help achieve fitness goals in the New Year. Other protein products in the range include:

· Fori Savoury Protein Bars, available in chilli beef, piri piri chicken, Moroccan lamb and Thai turkey – £1.49 each

· Precision Complete Whey Protein Powder (908g), available in chocolate or strawberry flavour – £19.99

· Protein Flapjack, available in Strawberry Jam or Double Chocolate flavour – 99p

· Low Sugar Protein Bar, available in Chocolate, Strawberry Cheesecake or Vanilla – 79p

KYO•GREEN ® Greens Blend Powdered Drink Mix contains a unique blend of superfoods that provide balanced nutritional benefits for the whole body.

Barley grass and wheat grass grown in Japan’s pristine highlands encourage a strong immune response and sustain energy. Brown rice and FOS (from chicory root) promote healthy digestion. Chlorella and kelp’s unique nutrient composition supports heart health.

Mix one serving of fast dissolving KYO•GREEN powder with water or fruit juice, or add to your favorite smoothie. Stir, enjoy and get going!

Expert sources like Dr. James LaValle, Clinical Pharmacist and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist recommend Kyo Greens as a healthy source of vitamins and energy.

See NBC7 coverage here: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/on-air/as-seen-on/How-to-Get-Healthy-and-Fit-This-New-Year_San-Diego-467724913.html

Light Bites. They’re a great healthy alternative to snacking whilst remaining under 100 calories.

Light Bites Chocolate Cookie Caramel Bar (RRP £1.25) – 99 kcals

A chocolate caramel flavour bar with milk chocolate and soya protein with sweetener. This bar is packed with fibre, a source of protein and veggie friendly.

Light Bites Superfood Seed Bar (RRP £1.25) – 99 kcals

Quinoa, honey and pumpkin seeds superfood seed bar with buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and flaxseed.

Popped Chips – available in Cheddar Cheese and Chutney (94 kcals), Roasted Shallot and Cider Vinegar (95 kcals), Pesto and Sundried Tomato (95 kcals) and Sweet and Smoky Chipotle (94 kcals) – all RRP 99p

Light Bites popped chips are gluten free, packed with fibre and protein, veggie friendly, free from artificial colours, preservatives, flavours and low in saturated fat.

BodyBoss launches its Superfood Nutrition Guide. The waitlist for early access exceeded 20,000 people and the guide sold out immediately after launch.

The new Superfood Nutrition Guide is a 12-week step-by-step nutrition plan designed to complement the BodyBoss Fitness programme. The guide comprises over 150 simple and delicious recipes formulated to boost metabolism, kick-start weight-loss and crush cravings. The cornerstone of the meal plan are superfoods – nutrient-dense foods packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The A-Z superfoods glossary will change the way you look at certain foods – commonly found but power-packed with nutrients.

Designed for busy, modern women, the healthy eating plan eliminates calorie counting. As opposed to restrictive diets, with 3 full meals plus 2 snacks daily, the BodyBoss Superfood Nutrition Guide won’t leave you feeling deprived or bored. Thanks to the ideal balance of lean protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates, you’ll feel energised, full and satisfied while achieving your body goals!

How does the Superfood Nutrition Guide work?

Structured meal plan: Designed to control your cravings, help you feel satisfied and lose weight
Formulated for results: Make permanent changes to your diet to achieve your body goals
Nourishing superfoods: Use the superpower of nutrient-dense superfoods to fuel the weight loss
Tasty & energising meals: Feel full and satisfied thanks to the ideal balance of lean protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates
Goodbye cravings: With 3 full meals & 2 snacks daily, you’ll feel full & energised
Fired-up metabolism: Burn fat thanks to nutrient-dense ingredients
What’s included in the Superfood Nutrition Guide?

12-week step-by-step meal plan
150+ delicious & easy healthy recipes
Weekly shopping lists and handy kitchen hacks
Learn and understand more about healthy eating habits
BONUS: Free Smoothie Recipe Book
The BodyBoss Superfood Nutrition Guide is available in an online edition or in print from www.bodyboss.com.

TEN Spring Water (www.tenspringwater.com) is a premium electrolyte-rich alkaline spring water brand, bottled at a 10 pH.

Source is everything. Many bottled waters, including alkaline waters, come from a tap and go through a purification process. TEN spring water is sourced from underwater caves deep below the earth’s surface. These caves, located at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, are natural quartzite and granite aquifers with rock so dense that they naturally filter the water to an incredibly pure state. The TEN team believes that the best drinking water comes from the Earth, not from a tap.

TEN Spring Water is available in half-liter bottles, one-liter bottles, one-gallon jugs and half-liter six packs at supermarkets throughout the United States, specialty markets and online at Amazon.com and Walmart.com.


Suffering from dry eyes this winter? Online eyecare start-up, Waldo, has launched the UK’s first-ever range of vitamin-enhanced lenses. Designed to replenish tears in the eyes while ensuring maximum comfort – particularly after a long day at work – the high-quality and affordable lenses remove the hassle of taking supplementary Vitamin eye drops.

The lenses are packed with Vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12, which are found in the pink saline (liquid) the lens comes in. The innovative vitamin qualities are also highly moisturising, thanks to their new ingredient structure, allowing users to feel hydrated and refreshed upon insertion.

Clinical results already reveal that 100% of people found that Waldo’s vitamin lenses provided longer lasting moisture, allowing them to feel comfortable for longer. The lenses also prevent users from developing conditions like cataracts and glaucoma, all common worries for contact lens wearers.

Ashleigh Hinde, founder of Waldo, said: “While special contacts for dry eyes are available on the market, they are not supported by a solution containing the additive vitamins which relieves the strain on eyes. We wanted to make these lenses universally accessible at an affordable price point and we’re proud to be bringing such a unique product to the market.”

The daily lenses, cost just £32 for a one-month supply (60 lenses) and can be delivered anywhere in the UK directly from hiwaldo.com, within 48 hours. There’s no need for the lenses to be shunned to the bathroom cupboard too, as Waldo’s lenses also come beautifully boxed in slick blue packaging, making them the perfect bathroom accessory.

New Year Nutrition Coaching Programme with a leading registered nutritional therapist, Roots & Shoots Nutrition.


The programme offers you the chance to work together with a registered nutritional therapist for an 8 week period where they will provide a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan to transform your health and wellbeing. This is a unique opportunity to gain access to the latest nutrition science tools and techniques, to benefit from one to one coaching with a nutrition expert, and take away lots of free guides on recipes and meal planning.

What you will receive:

2 hours of face to face consultations in London (2 x 1 hour appointments) or online
Salivary pH test
Nutrition and lifestyle plan tailored towards your main new year nutrition goals
Nutrition advice to target any other issues– digestive issues, bloating, fatigue, skin complaints, hormonal imbalances etc.
Face to face consultations in London (or online) and weekly 15min mini progress review calls (to a UK number) to keep you on track
Weekly food diary analysis
Full body composition analysis
Mindful eating advice
Unlimited text and email support throughout the programme (to a UK number)
Free guide on recipes and meal planning
Advice on weekly food shopping
Exercise advice and personal trainer recommendations
Functional testing and supplement recommendations

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, most people think they know what you are going to tell them to do. However, dietitians and the diet industry are not the same. One is a trained professional in nutrition, and the other is an industry that encourages unsustainable approaches to health while selling unproven products.
Make 2018 the year that you stop dieting and start focusing on healthy behaviors. Too often, we think that the way to be healthy is to lose weight, when really the behaviors that help us to be healthy may contribute to weight loss. The benefits of healthy behaviors for the prevention and management of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease are well documented, and this research is aside from weight loss.
One easy way to change our focus towards health, and away from weight, is to stop chasing the weight loss drinks, potions and/or pills. Instead, focus on real food to help us obtain the health we are seeking.
The quickest way to health is often by making the small changes to the behaviors you already have. You do not need to stop eating everything you like, or start an all-out war on sugar and carbs. You do not have to become a vegan or vegetarian. In reality, what we should be looking for is sustainability in our healthy behaviors. In making small changes try some of the following recommendations:
1.) If you like vegetables then add more to your diet. If you don’t know of any vegetables you like, try one new vegetable a week until you’ve found 5.
2.) Slowly reduce the serving size of the meat you consume. Don’t worry about protein, most people overconsume protein. Instead, try plant proteins like beans, nuts, and seeds.
3.) If you already have a food routine, simply improve the healthfulness of the food you choose. You can do this by substituting fruit for granola bars, oats for sugar cereals, adding more vegetables to your sandwiches, add more beans to your taco, and so on.
4.) Don’t worry about being a gourmet cook. You don’t have to spend an hour in the kitchen to make a healthy meal. You can use the microwave to steam some vegetables just as fast as you could to heat up a burrito.
This year, do not try to jump ship or reinvent the wheel by using unproven health products that are not sustainable. Instead use the habits you have and skills you have developed in the past to improve your future self. You don’t need a new you, you want a better you. In addition, the only way to accomplish that is by being you.

Check me out at www.cordellnutrition.com and on social media at Zach Cordell, RDN

Black Hawk® Challenges Pet Owners to Set a New Year’s Resolution for their Dogs as the Growing Canine Obesity Problem Puts Over Two Million Dogs at Risk

Excess weight is a major risk factor in the majority of Australian households with official research showing almost two in three adults were classed as overweight or obese 1. It’s not just the humans who are at risk of weight-related illnesses though. Over 40% of the nation’s dog population is also overweight or obese, putting two million dogs in the danger zone. These dogs’ lives could be cut short by up to two years.

Overfeeding, lack of exercise and a poor diet can all contribute to the shocking scale of overweight dogs in Australia.

To help get Aussie dogs back in-shape and off to the right start in 2018, Black Hawk is supporting passionate dog owners to make a New Year’s Resolution for their dogs ahead of the annual January slim-down. It’s launched a simple, effective new tool as part of its Real Food Movement™ for pets, designed to help owners see how healthy their pet really is.

While dogs can’t complain as their owners kill them with kindness, obesity is as much of a canine epidemic as it is a human one. With the possibility of shortening life expectancy, overweight dogs are also prone to other problematic, painful health conditions, including arthritis and hip dysplasia.

Black Hawk DogCheck™ helps owners identify if their dog’s health is at risk due to obesity and helps them take the steps needed to improve their pets wellbeing. The tool helps pet parents to see dogs in a whole new light. It uses a dog’s age, weight and breed and then compares it to the healthy average weight before transforming the data into a human form. For the first time, pet owners will be able to see their dogs as they see themselves.

“Every day more of us make an effort to take care of ourselves by eating natural ingredients, using portion control and exercising. But, we exclude our pets from this process, meaning the scale of canine obesity in Australia is at a truly shocking level,” comments Dr Sean Duggan, CHIEF EXECUTIVE & Veterinarian with Black Hawk. “Black Hawk’s Real Food Movement™ for pets is about looking after our dogs as well as we look after ourselves and what better time to make that promise than at New Year. It’s about helping our dogs live healthier, happier, longer lives by feeding them the right amount of good quality, natural food and making sure they get some form of exercise or activity every day.”

Black Hawk DogCheck™ is accessible via smartphone and desktop. It offers a useful frame of reference to pet owners unsure if their dog is a healthy size. Packed with ideas for boosting a dog’s health and wellbeing, it’s a motivating, 1 https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports-statistics/behaviours-risk-factors/overweightobesity/overview


Marley Spoon is the answer to achieving the most popular new year resolutions, especially staying on track with healthy eating.


Achievable goals with Marley Spoon

Despite all the good intentions in the world for ‘slow living’, a healthier diet, fewer takeaways it’s all too easy to find yourself rushing around trying to pull together a healthy dinner for the evening and then resorting to a box of Thai, so salty you keep a water bottle by your side for the rest of the evening!
Leading meal-kit delivery service Marley Spoon take the hassle out of dinnertime, delivering everything you need for simple, healthy weeknight cooking so it is all ready and waiting for you when you get home.

Whether you need a steer to keep on track with a balanced diet or you simply need to take back some time for the things you really want to get done, Marley Spoon can help.
Each week you get 12 delicious recipes to choose from, including vegetarian options, healthy choices and kid-friendly dishes. They source top quality seasonal produce and deliver it to your door, pre-portioned alongside easy-to-follow 6 step recipe cards. You can just grab the bag from the fridge. combine, cook and hey presto, dinner is on the table in less than 30 minutes!

Culinary Director, Evan Murphy says, “More often than not the hassle of home-cooking isn’t the cooking itself but the legwork you have to do beforehand. Trying to find suitable recipes, figuring out the most economical way to get all the ingredients, then there’s the actual task of making it round the supermarket sticking to your shopping list – it all screams effort!”
“At Marley Spoon we really valu e the benefits of home-cooking, from knowing exactly what is on your plate to the fun you can have together in the kitchen. That’s why we want to make it accessible and appeal to everyone – by doing the legwork for you and offering simple but delicious, healthy recipes.”

Marley Spoon is a flexible subscription service, meaning customers can adjust their deliveries to fit around their lives, with boxes for 2 or 4 people. Portions start from $8.95, with free delivery available to NSW, VIC, QLD, ACT and Adelaide.
We are also available around the world in the USA, Netherlands, Germany and Austria.

For hassle-free weeknight cooking sign up to Marley Spoon and receive $35 off your first order with code “ITR35”


Enjoy guilt-free snacking on-the-go with the range of Grabits chicken snacks. From a hit of spice, to a taste of the orient or classic original chicken, Grabits 100% chicken snacks are the perfect solution to keep you going throughout the day.
Grabits chicken sticks are the ultimate low-fat, hand-held snacking solution that are perfect when out and about. Satisfy your hunger with Chunks of 100% chicken breast, hand-marinated in our unique recipe seasonings, inspired by flavours of the world.
Each Grabits Chicken on a Stick has:
• Less than 70 calories
• At least 12g protein
• Less than 2% fat
• 100% whole chicken
Available in Original, Nice & Spicy and Chinese Chicken flavours, Grabits are the perfect snack to pick up and enjoy on the go, or can be added to a simple salad for a quick and healthy lunch, or even used as an ingredient to make a tasty balanced meal.
Grabits are also incredibly popular with those looking to lose weight or follow a healthier eating plan as an alternative snack to keep you going throughout the day, as well as those looking for that extra boost of protein pre or post workout, or even just to enjoy during the working day out and about!
Whether you’re looking for a lunchbox addition or a grazing snack to keep afternoon hunger at bay, Grabits chicken is the naturally healthy and tasty, savoury alternative.
Get social with Grabits and find us on:
twitter – @GrabitsChicken
Facebook – Grabits Chicken
Instagram – @GrabitsChicken
Available at: Budgens, OneStop, Spar, Costcutter, Londis, Mace and selected service stations and petrol stations



All-natural, tasty snack available in Sainsbury’s



Need another reason to tuck into peanut butter? With 33% pure peanut protein in every mouthful, the new range of smooth and crunchy contains more than 25% extra protein than mainstream peanut butters.

Uniquely, its high protein-power comes from all-natural peanut ingredients. Which means, unlike other brands on the market, it doesn’t use whey or soy to increase its protein level.

Instead, whole peanuts and peanut flour are combined to pack a protein punch that ensures you are only putting quality forms of essential nutrition into your body.

Vegan and with no added salt, it’s ideal for a tasty slow-release energy boost. The all-peanut combination also means there’s no substitute for its flavour, making it a great tasting protein boost for smoothies, shakes, snacks and meals.

Suitable for sportspeople at every level, it is a source of fibre, niacin, magnesium, zinc and vitamins B1, B6 and E.

Hi-PRO Peanut Butter is available in Sainsbury’s nationwide, priced £2.95.

For smoothie ideas and recipe inspiration, visit www.hipronutrition.co.uk.


What has your cookie done for you lately™?

Functional Decadence



The Los Angeles based food brand, The Cookie Department® proves that cookies are not all created equal. Their unique offering is a line of all-natural individually packaged Fully Functional Cookies® that contain zero artificial preservatives or trans-fats. They start with clean ingredients and classic cookie formulations, and fortify them with unique and innovative elements to provide consumers extra benefits in every bite. Whether you’re training for a marathon, in the running for VP, hiking a trail, running around the playground or drilling for an exam, The Cookie Department® has a cookie for you!
The idea of creating Fully Functional Cookies® took shape one afternoon in 2009 as Akiva Resnikoff refueled with a jolt of caffeine and a sweet snack at the original Peet’s Coffee in Berkeley CA. He noticed other patrons also experiencing an afternoon slump, and decided to combine his love of coffee and baking to create a functional treat. After over 50 trial and error cookie batches in his mother’s kitchen, the first fully functional cookie, the Awaken Baked® was realized.

Infused with coffee and chocolate, the Awaken Baked® was the jolt the Bay Area needed. The caffeinated cookies were a hit as fitness centers, cafes, college campuses and specialty markets from Berkeley to San Francisco, stocked their shelves. Today, The Cookie Department® is a nationally distributed brand offering discerning customers five kosher, fully functional and decadent cookie options, including:
● Tough Cookie™ – Peanut butter toffee cookie with 10 grams of rBST free whey protein
● Great Full® – Sweet potato cranberry oatmeal antioxidant cookie (vegan)
● Snap Back® – Ginger and cayenne spiced cookie
● Chocolate Chip Nookie™ – Rich chocolate chip cookie infused with Maca Root
● Awaken Baked® – Double chocolate chip cookie containing 40 mg of Fair Trade coffee
The Cookie Department’s line of Fully Functional Cookies® are available at select specialty markets, juice and smoothie bars, gyms, college campuses, cafes, sporting goods stores, movie theaters, hotels, and grocery stores throughout the country. Additionally, some of the largest tech companies in Silicon Valley, Silicon Beach and Austin Texas keep their employees energized with a steady supply of functional treats.
To find a location near you, order online or inquire about having The Cookie Department® provide product to your company, please visit their website at www.thecookiedepartment.com or call 510.803.3002 ext 1

The Cookie Department®

The Caffeine Fueled Lightbulb Moment

Back in 2009, while enjoying an espresso and cookie at his local coffee shop, the original Peet’s Coffee in downtown Berkeley, CA, Akiva Resnikoff noticed the throngs of other patrons also fueling their afternoon slumps with coffee and sweets. That’s when the “lightbulb” moment hit; could he use his love of baking and experience in the functional beverage industry to create a decadent, caffeine rich treat by adding coffee caffeine to a cookie? He enlisted his mother, Denise Resnikoff, a skilled baker herself, and after over 60 double chocolate coffee trial-and-error batches in his mother’s kitchen, the Awaken Baked® cookie was finally perfected.

A Passion Project

With a certificate in pastry arts, a background in sales and marketing within the functional beverage industry, a full-time career in business development at an artisan bread company, and the vision of bringing innovation and functionality to packaged baked goods, Resnikoff became a one- man cookie band. In his spare time, he formulated recipes, baked, packaged, marketed and delivered cookies to local cafes and retail stores.

This Cookie Thing Might Be More Than Just a Hobby

Over the next several years Resnikoff committed himself to cookies full time, and expanded the line to include vegan, protein enhanced, macro friendly, kosher, and superfood treats; all made with natural ingredients and never containing artificial preservatives or trans-fats.
Today, as CEO of a growing cookie brand Resnikoff is no longer in the kitchen or behind the wheel of a delivery van. Staying true to the passion that launched it all, he still enjoys baking with his mother in his spare time.

New Year, New MARS Xtra Choc Limited Edition Protein Bar

Fans of the popular MARS Protein Bar are in for an extra tasty post workout treat this year, with the launch of the limited edition MARS Xtra Choc Protein Bar!

With the unmistakable taste of MARS, the new member of the Protein by Mars family now boasts a delicious chocolaty centre, containing just 183 calories and 18g of whey protein.

But you need to be quick! MARS Xtra Choc Protein Bars will only be around for a limited amount of time, and as one of the fastest growing brands of 2017*, they won’t be around for long!

MARS Xtra Choc Protein Bars are available now from Amazon and specialist sports stores. RSP £2.19.

NOOTROPICS REVIEW::: FOCUS SUPPLEMENTS Caffeine (100mg) and L-Theanine (250mg) Stack Capsules (FOR RELAXING & FOCUSING) – Productivity Stack, Attention Blend, Nootropic Formula – 120 Vegetarian Capsules – Made in ISO Licensed Facilities in The UK (“10 out of 10 a wonderful, wonderful substance” InTouch Health, Energy & Productivity Editor)

Buy at >> www.amazon.co.uk/Caffeine-100mg-L-Theanine-250mg-Capsules/dp/B06XGZCVLW/



“I had been using coffee previously. I’ve stopped that now because the far, far superior mental state for achieving my goals incredible quickly and accurately is MENTAL CALM & FOCUS. Coffee gave me the jitters but with Focus Supplements Caffeine & L-Theanine Stack Capsules i achieve my goals even quicker but with total calmness, i’m telling you i very happy with that outcome!” Intouch Rugby Lifestyle, Health, Energy & Productivity Editor)

DO YOU NEED RELAXED FOCUS? Caffeine and L-Theanine work together to improve your focus and energy while introducing a feeling of calmness. This is an incredibly popular supplement stack for individuals who need an extra kick in mental performance.
IT’S LIKE COFFEE 2.0 – L-Theanine removes the “jitteriness” or stress you might feel after drinking caffeine. Instead, it helps create a sensation of mellow confidence and calmness. Combined with the focus and attentiveness improving effects of caffeine, combining the two is like drinking coffee 2.0.
BACKED BY SCIENCE – Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of this stack
MADE IN THE UK – Our Caffeine and L-Theanine stack is manufactured in an ISO licensed facility in the UK. You can rest assured that you are receiving the highest grade in supplements.

What is the Caffeine + L-Theanine Stack by Focus Supplements?

Buy at >> www.amazon.co.uk/Caffeine-100mg-L-Theanine-250mg-Capsules/dp/B06XGZCVLW/

Each vegetarian capsule of this stack contains 250mg of L-Theanine and 100mg Caffeine. This powerful productivity blend synergizes the focus and attentiveness benefits of caffeine with the calming effects of L-Theanine. 100% natural, you will be amazed at just how much your productivity improves while taking this stack.

Each bottle contains 120 vegetarian capsules of our L-Theanine and Caffeine stack.

What are the Benefits of Taking Caffeine and L-Theanine?

Gives you relaxed focus – Caffeine and L-Theanine work together to improve your focus and energy while introducing a feeling of calmness. This is an incredibly popular supplement stack for individuals who need an extra kick in mental performance.

It’s like coffee 2.0 – L-Theanine removes the “jitteriness” or stress you might feel after drinking caffeine. Instead, it helps create a sensation of mellow confidence and calmness. Combined with the focus and attentiveness improving effects of caffeine, combining the two is like drinking coffee 2.0.

Backed by Science – Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of this stack’s safe and 100% natural ingredients.

Made in the UK – Our Caffeine and L-Theanine stack is manufactured in an ISO licensed facility in the UK. You can rest assured that you are receiving the highest grade in supplements.

How Much Should I Take?

We recommend taking 1-2 capsules per day.

Buy at >> www.amazon.co.uk/Caffeine-100mg-L-Theanine-250mg-Capsules/dp/B06XGZCVLW/

Review caffeine and L-theanine supplements to improve focus and productivity

There are days that I can use some extra energy. For example when I didn’t have a good night sleep or when I have a pile of work to do and need to focus for long hours. I remember the days that my alarm goes off and I have zero energy I will just hit the snooze button one more time. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a supplement on the market that improves focus and productivity? But at the same time doesn’t harm your health? Caffeine and L-theanine capsules might be the solution to jump-start your day.

Buy at >> www.amazon.co.uk/Caffeine-100mg-L-Theanine-250mg-Capsules/dp/B06XGZCVLW/

The problem with coffee and energy drinks

We all grab an extra cup of coffee when our energy levels are wearing off. Alternatively, you may prefer energy drinks. Unfortunately, coffee and energy drinks can give you jitters or even stressed, due to caffeine. I’m sure this is not the effect you are looking for.
What happened after using caffeine and L-theanine supplements

Although the product is backed by science, I was a bit skeptical. Can a supplement really give me focus and make me more productive? After a week of using the capsules, the answer is yes. L-theanine removes that stressful and “jitteriness” feeling after drinking caffeine. When I tried it for the first time, I noticed that I felt clear and calm and enough energy to get my tasks done for the day. My mental focus improved and I’m actually getting double the work done.
Product use and tips

The supplements come in a black bottle and the capsules are vegan friendly. The suggested recommendation is 1-2 capsules each day; it will last at least 60 days. I personally prefer to take them in the morning and at lunchtime. I use it several times a week when I need more energy or when I don’t have enough sleep. I prefer this supplement instead of coffee or energy drinks because it helps with my mood and mental focus. Not to forget there are no side effects.


Nutritionally complete high protein superfood shakes lauded for detox and wellbeing benefits


Yucca root, acai, baobab and sumac are just some of the weird and nutritionally wonderful ingredients in the new superfood shakes which have been launched this month by the all plant powered brand, Fit Delis.

Whilst the likes of the amusingly known Spanish Bayonet might raise some eyebrows it is one of many constituent parts of Fit Delis flagship product bursting with goodness, THE DAILY. Native to Central America, Yucca root’s impressive health benefits include its ability to boost your immune system, increase heart health, improve digestion, reduce cholesterol levels and could even prevent the development of diabetes.

Ideal for people who have a busy lifestyle, THE DAILY is packed with a full range of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that serve as a perfect balance for daily well-being and vitality. With 16g of pea and hemp protein, it comes in delicious chocolate and vanilla flavours whilst maintaining only 115 calories per serving. The inclusion of glucomannan, a renowned weight loss aid, helps to ensure that one serving can help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

THE DAILY also includes superfoods wheat grass, spirulina, and chlorella, primarily known as a detoxifying supplement. Green favourites broccoli, avocado, spinach and kale are also in abun-dance, whilst Matcha green tea contains provides potential cancer-fighting and weight loss properties. Flaxseed has also been shown to help improve digestion, promote skin health, lower cholesterol, reduce sugar cravings and balance hormones.

Along with their aptly titled sports performance product, PERFORM, Fit Delis have demonstrated that convenience doesn’t require ethical or environmental compromise. Their range of clean and natural supplements are deliciously free from artificial sweeteners, flavours and thickeners.

According to the Vegan Society there are now over half a million vegans in the UK, more than three times as many as a decade ago, with almost half aged between 15 and 34. Whilst a plant based diet has always been recognised for being cruelty free and environmentally sustainable, it is perhaps the health benefits which resulted in it becoming one of the most exciting diet trends in 2017 with no signs of slowing this year.

With 2018 already seeing supermarkets launching vegan ranges, restaurants promoting their delicious plant based menus and many global superstars renouncing meat, the number of people committing to eat a vegan diet continues to swell.

Praise for Fit Delis:
‘Awesome! Until now I couldn’t find a pea protein that doesn’t taste like actual dirt’
Engineer, Kent
‘Hasn’t upset my stomach like many whey based supplements do’
Mother of two, Oxford
‘I’ve normally eaten the world by lunchtime. The Daily alone kept me full until my next meal’
IT salesperson, Darlington

Fit Delis products are available at www.fitdelis.com from as little as £8.99.
The Daily is available for £28.00 in chocolate or vanilla
Perform is available for £28.00 in chocolate or mixed berry
The FIT Bundle deal (The Daily, Perform shakes & shaker) for £45


















Andean Sol, the premium superfood brand is bringing the rich taste of the Andes to UK meal times with the launch of its Organic Chia Seeds and Organic Royal Quinoa. Available in unique, easy to pour spout packages and direct from the sun-baked foothills in South America. This innovative range is a simple way to make meal times a whole lot healthier.

A UK first, Organic Royal Quinoa, is truly the king of the quinoa world when it comes to flavour and overall quality. Offering a fluffier texture and nuttier taste, it is packed full of nutrients and can only be sourced from the expansive salt flats of southern Bolivia. Available in two unique variants Organic Tricolour Royal Quinoa RRP £5.99 and Organic White Royal Quinoa RRP £5.99, both can be used as a versatile side dish, a wholesome salad base or even an alternative to hot porridge.

Packed full of nutrients, including omega-3 and fibre, Chia Seeds can be paired with salads, granola, pasta or even blended into a smoothie. Available in two variants Organic Black Chia Seeds RRP £7.49 and Organic White Chia Seeds RRP £7.49, chia seeds are ideal for those who are looking for easy ways to add goodness to the everyday.

Working closely with farmers in the Andean region, Andean Sol meets the growing consumer demand for healthy, tasty and nutrient-rich foods. Organic Royal Quinoa is high in fibre and contains twice the plant protein as rice while Organic Chia Seeds are a superfood rich in antioxidants and one of the highest plant-based sources of omega-3.

Ever wondered where your food really comes from? Well now you can know, by entering in the unique code found on the back of Andean Sol packs onto their website, you can learn about the process, people and farm who worked hard to provide you with a high quality product.

Available in easy to pour spouts, Andean Sol is recently launched into Ocado

For more information please visit: www.andeansol.com



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