Corinthians III XV ARE Ard na Cregg Cup CHAMPIONS OF CONNACHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Corinthians thirds won the Ard na Cregg Cup Final on Sunday afternoon against city rivals Our Lady’s Boy’s Club.
The contest took place in Cloonacauneen Park in very blustery conditions with a size ably support urging both sides on.
Boy’s Club got off to a flyer with a fine penalty by Thomas Gamble as the home side were pulled for loitering by IRFU referee Kevin Coffey. The contest continued at pace as both sides tested each other but it was the Cloonacauneen outfit got a great break as the Boy’s Club back line were attacking but Corinthians right winger Declan loughnane intercepted a loose pass and dashed all the in for a mighty touchdown. Fullback Kieran Dunne added the extras. Some minutes before the break Club got in for their first try as second center Noel Farragher side stepped through the home cover. Gamble added the extras to leave his side leading by three points at the break………………. CLICK HERE for the full report and shots!

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